Borgo Cafe
marzo 25, 2024ECO Tank for Veterinary useX-ray film processor
marzo 25, 2024AGV Cart Systems
Pedigo specializes in the manufacturing of carts designed to fit on Automatic Guided Vehicle Systems (AGV) that move all over the hospital on their own so that employees do not need to be present and push the carts to a specific destination. Pedigo will design a cart so that it can adapt to the specific standards and requirements of the AGV system selected by the hospital.
AGV Cart Systems
Hospital AGV Configurations
AGVs for hospital cart transportation utilize a ‘Smart’ AGV control system and unique ‘virtual’ path navigation technology. AGVs are used to move all types of hospital carts including food, linen, trash, supply, surgical kit type carts. System controls allow considerable flexibility to meet different department user needs. The AGVs are automatically assigned to heavy cart volume areas to minimize response time and optimize throughput. Unlike other hospital AGVs, entire AGV body is stainless steel which unlike painted steel will not stain, chip or corrode.
Efficient Cart Transportation
Transport Method
Hospital AGVs can be configured for either non-lifting or lifting cart transport. Non-lifting style – the AGV is equipped with a powered cart capture pin. This pin raises into a cup on the underside of the cart locking the cart to the AGV for transport. Lift style – the AGV utilizes a powered lift platform that elevates the cart off the floor for transport.
Hospital AGV systems offer a wide range of functionality and capability.
Pedigo has equipped the following hospitals with AGV carts: Cleveland Clinic, Ohio State University Medical Center, Greenville Memorial Hospital, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, LA County/USC Medical Center CA, VA Hospital Phoenix AZ, Tacoma General Hospital WA, RUSH University Medical Center Chicago, University Health System Hospital in TX.
Contact us for to give us the specific requirements of your AGV system so that we can provide you with a customized solution with our specially designed AGV carts.